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Sermon Discussion Questions

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Date: April 28, 2024

Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17  

1. What particularly stood out to you from this sermon? Was anything significantly encouraging or challenging?
2.The church in Corinth was full of members who were once foolish and outcasts (see 1 Cor. 1:26-29), but now they are comparing and competing with one another. If this can happen in the early church, how much more in a church establishment of over 260 years. What are the dangers we can face as a body of believers in comparing and competing?
3. How is the cross of Christ powerful? How can men seek to empty it of its power? (see verse 17)
4. Chloe's people delivered some discouraging news to Paul about the Corinthian church. Paul specified who had told him these concerns. How might being transparent about "who" is concerned a right way to engage one another in the body of Christ (instead of seeking anonymity when concerned and discussing with leaders)? Which way promotes more genuine relationships?
5. The people of God are quarreling over tertiary matters and losing their focus on what unites them. . .specifically Christ. If we focus on Christ, does that mean that we will never disagree about things? Why or why not? What would those who disagree look like if they kept Christ first and foremost in their minds as they discussed their concerns? Could that draw those who don't know Christ by the way we debate in Christian unity? Explain.

Prayer Book Questions (Chapter 7 and Chapter 8)
Chapter 7
1) Do you think of yourself as a saint? Why or why not?
2) If all of life is ministry for the Christian (ex: ministry of raising kids, ministry of being a gospel light to co-workers and neighbors, ministry of enduring a difficult marriage, etc.) in what ministries are you involved?
3) How could thinking of these areas of your life as ministry change your perspective? How could this empower you to pray more?

Chapter 8
1) How does Paul describe us as Christians in Ephesians 6:10-20? Do you think of yourself as a soldier? Do soldiers fight alone?
2) How are you on the “front line” of God’s Kingdom work or who is someone on the front line that you can actively support in prayer?

Date: April 21, 2024

Text: Haggai 2:10-23

1. What particularly stood out to you from this sermon? Was anything significantly encouraging or challenging?
2.The people of God are living in such a way in this passage that they don't think they are really insulting God. As we read verses 10-14, we see that they were greatly mistaken as it was very blatant to God and very personal. How do we see that in this passage?
3. In this passage God punishes (vv15-19) and then promises blessing and hope (vv20-23). Why does he offer hope here? How is this a reminder of what all the Bible teaches of God and his actions towards his people?
4. Are there ways in which we behave that are probably way more insulting to God than we initially thought? Give some examples of how we might rationalize sin that God takes very seriously.
5. Because of verses 20-23, we see that God gives mercy and grace. What does he expect to gain from giving us mercy and grace? How might this encourage us?

Prayer Book Questions (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7)
Chapter 6
1) What are you more prone to- "classic adultery": worshiping a false god or ? OR "soft idolatry": putting good things in God's place?
2) How constantly do you use your phone? What would it look like for you to be as constant in prayer as you are in using your phone?

Chapter 7
1) Do you think of yourself as a saint? Why or why not?
2) If all of life is ministry for the Christian (ex: ministry of raising kids, ministry of being a gospel light to coworkers and neighbors, ministry of enduring a dicult marriage, etc) in what ministries are you involved?
3) How could thinking of these areas of your life as ministry change your perspective? How could this empower you to pray more?